Spiritual Life of the Metis

Spiritual Life of the Metis
Installation found at Metis Crossing

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Métis Spirit Revived - new group started in Facebook - to encourage and inspire.

Group:   Métis Spirit Revived

Someone asked me the other day ‘What is your vision for the Métis, How would things look if you could change things?’ 
I said, ‘I would like to see the Métis Nation healed.  That means we would all be working together, no Métis crabs. *

The vision I have is that every Métis person would take responsibility for their healing, stop blaming others including God, and work towards walking the path they were destined for – wellness, prosperity, and peace with the Creator and others.

After this discussion I felt compelled to start a group that is positive, a group that would publicly begin to create a positive synergy for the Métis, and initiate a healing journey for some that could also be used as a prayer foundation.  Neuroscientists have proved that every thought releases chemicals or neurotransmitters from the brain and are responsible for triggering emotions.  Every thought and emotion releases different types of chemicals.  If the emotions are toxic, the chemicals ** “create conditions for a host of health problems that will manifest in both the body and the mind  Emotions that regularly release a torrent of destructive chemicals that will be the most damaging over time are:  unforgiveness, anger, rage, resentment, depression, worry, anxiety, frustration, fear, excessive grief and guilt.”  If the emotions are positive, the chemicals released cause health; intellect flourishes and with it mental and physical health.”    

Simply stated, “Negative reinforcement releases negative chemicals.  Positive reinforcement releases positive chemicals.”

So this is obviously good for the individual and done corporately, can have a huge impact on a nation.  So I would like to hear your vision for the Métis Nation.  Thanks for listening. -  I am still learning how to use this blog and yu may be as well.  If you can't make a comment here I am on Facebook or spasula@softhome.net

*(story about the crabs in the bucket – used for many things goes something like this; a person with a bucket is walking down the beach.  Another person walks by and asks ‘What’s in the bucket?’ The one carrying it says, ‘Métis crabs only, all the others got away.’ The other person says, ‘Why only Métis and no other kind?’  The response is ‘Every time a Métis crab tries to crawl up and get out, another Métis crab pulls it back down and they all stay trapped in the bucket.)’

** Quotes from Who Switched Off My Brian, Dr. Caroline Leaf, 2009,Switch on Your Brain USA LP PO Box 601629 Dallas Texas 75206, pages 3,4,8.

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