Spiritual Life of the Metis

Spiritual Life of the Metis
Installation found at Metis Crossing

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hello, Tansi, Shalom,

Notice to Metis people.  July 4, 2012 I stopped at the Metis Nation head office to inform the registry of the passing of three Metis people (peace be on them) - two of whom I know for sure were members - my own dear mother Violet Eileen Pasula -Feb 6, 2012 and a dear freind from the Elizabeth Settlement- Violet Irene Bruneau -April 27, 2012. the other one was my cousin George Belcourt -march 31, 2012.  I am bringing this notice publicly because during the last election I was told there were names on the active membership list of people who were deceased.  Apparently family members had submitted an appropriate document to the MNA adn the names were not taken off.  For those of you 'in the know' this has serious ramifications.  I needed to do this now as I don't know where I'll be during the next MNA election.  Please check your membership lists, local and regional presidents and see if these names are still on the list. This is your responsibility.  
Enjoy the great summer and be blessed.