Spiritual Life of the Metis

Spiritual Life of the Metis
Installation found at Metis Crossing

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Aboriginal news opportunity

I shared with someone this week that I read some interesting news from the Bearspaw Newswire.  Anyone can subscribe.  We are given a short version in the email and then a separate attachment with the full articles.  It is a weekly news wire focussing on Aboriginal issues locally, nationally and internationally.  e.g. Last week I read that Tantoo Cardinal was arrested for peacefully protesting a pipline scheduled to go across parts of the US.  In the news we hear about Darryl Hanna but not Tantoo Cardinal.   Anyway,  the subscription info follows;  feel free to tell her I referred you :)

Dawn Ostrem, Communications and Resource Officer,
Bearpaw Legal Education and Resource Centre
Resource Centre: 780-447-9337
Office: 780-482-7891
Main: 780-451-4002
Fax: 780-428-0187

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

MNA election info...Advance poll info updated

Hi, there is some confusion about the advance poll.  There is at least one advance poll in each region.  On the polling list i provided earlier, it is marked with an   "a"  beside a number on the left hand column.  Most regions only have one place for an advance poll, soem have 2.  All advacne polls are on Saturday, 27 August, 2011.

In region 4 there is only one advance poll and it is in Edmonton - Saturday August 27, 2011 at the Westmount Hall.      There is a poll in St. Albert for September 6.

If you had a Metis Nation membership card at any time in your life, you should still be on the list and eligible to vote.  Come out and vote - even if you lost your card, bring ID and you cna vote when you rname is found on the list.  If you are not sure, call me and I can check it, or you can also call the Chief Electoral Officer at 780. 453.0294 1.800.252.7553 ex.212 Fax 780.453.0276 email: elections@metis.org

If you are in Edmonton or surrounding area and want to vote this Sat 27th at the advacne poll and you need a ride, please call me.  We will try to arrange it.  Also, voting day, if you need a ride call me.
780.456.3774     Leave a voice mail if necessary.

My report to the 2010-2011 Annual General Assembly. Vice President, Metis Regional Council IV, Metis Nation of Alberta

This report almost didn't make it in.  The protocol that was followed the last two years was not adhered to this year.   I was not informed when the final deadline was so had to cut this one short.   Nevertheless, it embodies the essence of my work in the last year.  Feel free to call me to discuss anything. 
 I don't believe this is on the website yet. Not sure if it ever will be as the MNA no longer has a communications department/person according to Mrs. Poitras at a candidates forum this evening. 
  Call the head office to get a copy.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Metis Nation provincial and region 4 candidates forum

Message from
Murial- Dusty Rose- Dennis   on Facebook

There will be a Forum on Tuesday August 23rd at 7:00 pm in the basement of the Moose Lodge in Wetaskiwin. (Moose Lodge is east of Fas Gas, corner of 50th ave and 49 street.)
 All Metis welcome and please bring your questions for the Candidates
For more info call. Muriel at 780.389.2229 or fax 780.389.2249.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

All candidates forum - Provincial and region 4

Hi, I became aware there is a candidates forum in Wetaskin the last Tuesday of this month, I believe.  Contact below for details.  Tell the provincial and region 4 candidates.

Rose Dennis dustyrose2002@hotmail.com

Monday, August 8, 2011

Brochure content for easy reading

Pasula, Sharon (Letendre)
Provincial Vice President
Métis Nation of Alberta, 2011 Election
Contact me 780 - 456 - 3774
Learn more about my campaign @ http://pasulasharonletendre.blogspot.com/


Building on strong Métis roots in the community of Lac Ste Anne, I spent childhood summers helping Granny and Grandpa (Caroline and Archie Letendre) during the annual pilgrimage. Typical Métis entrepreneurs, Archie’s ‘stand’ were the only one for many years and helped meet a need for the pilgrims. This was a great introduction to business and hard work! Such was a Métis kid’s life.

My first annual assembly with Aunties and cousins in Lac La Biche was awesome and exciting; it was the first time I was inside a big tent, complete with sawdust on the floor. It was Métis culture at its finest, noisy with laughter, conversation and fun.


Sharon connected with her roots in a formal way while in her final year at the University of Alberta. In 1990 she became a member of the Métis Association of Alberta (before it became the Métis Nation of Alberta) then on St Albert Trail in Edmonton. Wanting to ignite interest and spur growth, she supported the community by serving as a local president.

Sharon also served the Métis people in the capacity of literacy project coordinator. This was a new position and a new field at the time, both of which captured her interest and energy. During this time, Sharon was also a founding member of the Métis Women of Alberta. 

      Opportunity Knocks  

Opportunities presented themselves and Sharon went to Ottawa to serve Métis women as the first Executive Director for the Métis National Council of Women. While in Ottawa Sharon was an active member of the Ontario Métis Aboriginal Association now known as the Métis Nation of Ontario. 

From there it was on to Manitoba for ten years, where she was a card carrying member of the Manitoba Métis Federation, again active in the local community.  It was during this time that Sharon first attended the Batoche celebration in Saskatchewan, the ‘Jerusalem of the Métis.’ 

∞ Back Home 

After earning her Master of Arts degree in adult education in Manitoba, Sharon returned to Edmonton in 2003. She then registered her consulting business, Sharon A Pasula Consulting.  

Her work focused on community and personal development and training. Sharon continued her healing journey, participating in support groups which evolved into group facilitation.  Seeing the need for broader grief resolution she developed a curriculum Grief, Loss and Wholeness.

In 2008 Sharon felt the call to formal community support and successfully ran for the position of Vice President, Métis Regional Council, Region Four, Métis Nation of Alberta. She has continued volunteering and joined several organizations for both professional and personal reasons, such as the Aboriginal Women’s Professional Association (AWPA).

       2008-2011 Regional VP   

Commitment, perseverance and community support have helped me raise the Métis profile in Region Four.  Attending and presenting a Métis perspective at countless community and organizational events throughout the region resulted in numerous invitations to serve on boards, committees and consultation groups.  Accepting as many invitations as possible has allowed me to better network members with resources, to field inquiries and to identify ways to meet needs in the Métis community.

I have participated in two of the three active locals in the region, met with mainstream politicians (federal, provincial, municipal) and presented Métis culture and identity to both children and adults in a variety of settings. Other areas of advocacy have emerged. One is to maintain our Aboriginal distinctiveness in the face of growing multiculturalism. There is a subtle and sometimes brazen move to homogenize Aboriginal peoples with multicultural groups, particularly in regards to programming. I also advocate for every program and grant to have an Aboriginal component. Who will help see this through?  I WILL ! 

         More Than A Vision      

As Vice President of the Métis Nation of Alberta you will see relevant and significant results.   I will continue advocacy work. We should also insist that all students take one Aboriginal elective per program.  In university it would come from Native Studies for example. This is part of our Canadian heritage after all.  Studies show that knowledge and familiarity can help reduce racism as well.  The more people know about our contributions toward this country Canada, the less inclined toward racism they could be.

Finally, another area of import to the Nation I’ve witnessed is healing. Too many people operate out of woundedness.  Healing/sharing circles and knowledge will aid in alleviating the pain many in our community experience and subsequently pass onto others.  Let us revive the Métis Nation spirit.  Vote for me on September 6, 2011.
 P PASULA, Sharon (Letendre)
    PProvincial Vice President

Brochure content written by Sharon Pasula


Campaign brochure

Hello,Tansi, Boujour,
It took me awhile but good writing usually does.  My brochure is finished. I will post it in two forms.  One is in the format that gets printed as a brochure, in case you want to print it off and read it and print more to pass around.  The other format is for reading directly on your computer screen, which of course you can print off and read.  This one will have no pictures right now but photos will be included later this week.
Your feedback is appreciated.  I am happy to provide more details about anything and of course I am still working as Vice President until September 6.  For example, a member called last week asking me to advocate for him because he was discriminated against at a public office.  I sent a formal letter and the issue was resolved in 24 hours.  I am taking some vacation time interspersed.
I have been blessed to represent and advocate for Métis people generally but particularly in region four.  I look forward to your continued trust and support. 
Also, there is opportunity to support my campaign, both in volunteer time and financially. Contact me and lets together move the Métis Nation forward.
Note: Unfortunately, Metis Nation campaigns are not tax deductible. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The laws of the hunt. The Metis were very orderly and law abiding as much as possible.

               The laws of the hunt

1.       No buffalo to be run on the Sabbath-day.

2.       No party to fork off, lag behind, or go before, without permission .

3.       No person or p arty to run buffalo before the general order.

4.       Every captain with his men, in turn, to patrol the camp, and keep guard.

5.       For the first trespass against these laws, the offender to have his saddle and bridle cut up .

6.       For the second offence, the coat to be taken off the offender's back, and be cut up .

7.       For the third offence, the offender to be flogged.

8.      Any person convicted of theft, even to the value of a sinew, to be brought to the middle of the camp, and the crier to call out his or her name three times adding the word "thief", at each time.